Traffic Conflict Studies

India Only

Traffic Conflict Studies

This is an unusual study that we carry out for some our clients where we monitor and report the conflicts between vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, equestrians etc. This study is normally carried out at busy touristy areas.

All Our Services

We are specialized in Traffic and Transportation Data Analysis. We offer a wide range of services that includes

Intersection Turning Movement Counts Survey (TMC)

This survey involves capturing vehicle-turning movements and its composition in an intersection. This information is vital for all strategic Junction Improvements, Signaling, Planning the Pedestrian Crossing etc. Also it provides the peak hour Turning movement information. We use videos, Manual and sometimes ANPR (for complex Intersections) for Turning Movement counts

Traffic Turning Counts

 Our experienced team can count any junction layout that varies from a basic T-Junction to a complex multiple camera roundabout or Big Gyratory with any number of vehicle Classification. We are specialized in 100% Lane-by-LaneVehicle tracking on Large roundabouts.

Link / Mid-Block Counts

It is important to know the traffic volume and different vehicle classes’ composition in any roadway for strategic planning, improvements and maintenance. It also identifies the Average Daily Traffic, Peak Hour Traffic and its composition. We use manual, video and ATCCs (pneumatic tubes, IR, radars) to survey the roadway volume and classification.

Traffic Queue length Analysis

We can supply different queues depending upon the client’s requirement. This includes maximum queue & minimum queue in any interval, Average queue length, Queue at the start of Green phase and Queue delay surveys etc. We even have experience of tracking the queue back form one exit of the motorway to the other using multiple cameras.

Taxi Rank Monitoring

We have a lot of experience in monitoring the taxi ranks. We can supply the Taxi arrival time, departure time, position in the queue, whether they left the rank with the passenger or not and other unusual behaviors etc.

NMU - Non-Motorised Users Counts

We can supply a wide range of NMU classification. Some of them include Pedestrians by Gender, Cyclists by Gender, Equestrians, Wheelchair Users, Visually impairs, Elderly, School Children, Prams etc., We can carry out NMU counts on a signallised crossing, Zone to Zone crossing, Crossing within individual arms of a Junction, Crossing between arms of a junction, on a Traffic Island and even track NMU between Different O-D points. We can also identify the pedestrian desired lines.

Origin – Destination using ANPR/videos

Using ANPR – We can validate the number plates captured by the ANPR software and then manually in-fill the plates that were missed out by the software to achieve the complete raw data set. We can then match between sites and supply the final ORIGIN-DESTINATION MATRIX depending upon the client’s requirements.

Using Videos – We can manually extract the number plates from the video footage to achieve the raw data set and then can supply ORIGIN-DESTINATION MATRIX depending upon the client’s requirements.

Journey Time Analysis using ANPR/videos


We have a rich experience in monitoring the servicing activity on any road. This includes monitoring the delivery vehicle’s entry time, exit time, their parking behavior, delivery destinations, other activities etc. This information will be supplied along with the vehicle class.

Parking Surveys

We have carried out numerous parking surveys on Streets, Supermarkets, Hospitals, Parking lots etc. We can supply the total In/Out of the parking, Accumulation information at any point of time, Individual parking bay information etc. If the parking beat survey is carried out manually, we can utilize our data entry operators to convert the details on the paper into the Excel form or any depending upon the client’s requirements.

Automatic Traffic Counters (ATC) reporting – Pneumatic, Radar and IR

Our analysts have a wide knowledge of extracting the tube information and generating the reports with importance to different factors like class, speed, volume etc depending upon the client’s requirements.

Illegal Movements

We monitor and report the illegal movements carried out on some specific roads using the CCTV footages. These activities are monitored over a very long period of time to ascertain the volume of such illegal traffic movements. These can also be monitored as part of the Traffic Turning Counts.


Level Crossing monitoring and reporting

We are experts in monitoring Railway Level Crossings and have already monitored more than 200 such crossings. We extract the Barrier Down time and Up time, Train arrival, direction, Pedestrian crossings, vehicle movements, Traffic turning at the vicinity of the crossing and any Blocking back traffic at the level crossing. We also observe unusual parking or any maintenance work, vehicles jumping the barriers, pedestrians trying to cross when the barrier is down etc.


Occupancy surveys

Train Station surveys

We do a lot of train station surveys where we extract a number of information like Boarding/Alighting information on train, pedestrian activity on the platform, subways, Drop off/Pick up at the entrance, Waiting times for Taxi/Private cars, Other shuttle bus information etc.


Bus Station Surveys

Using the video footage, we monitor the Bus arrival time, departure time, boarding, alighting counts by gender & age, Bus service number and any other information depending upon the client’s requirement.


Public Transport, Market Research and Roadside Interviews

Understanding the public transport usage is vital for all strategic decisions on Public Transport improvements. This gives a detailed report on the usage pattern of the Public Transport. On a micro-level, this also gives information about the Passenger boarding and alighting, running times, dwell times and occupancy for different services.

The survey also gives a detailed report of passengers entering and exiting a Bus stand or a Railway station at any given time. We can also monitor the queue at the ticketing office as a part of the survey. We use manual, videos for extracting the required information.


Saturation SAT and Degree of Saturation DOS

We are the leading experts in extracting Saturation and Degree of Saturation for any signallised junction

Validating the Permanent Loops

We calibrate the permanent loops by validating the output form the loops against the video footage.


GIS Mapping

GAP analysis

Client Testimonials

DataCorp Traffic’s AI analytics platform has provided our clients with an invaluable tool to access historical traffic data at a time when projects around the UK have been put on hold. Without this platform it would be near impossible for clients that they’ve needed to keep their projects – and the downstream development activity – on target

We are very proud to be working closely with the Datacorp Team in providing our clients with an unrivaled level of service. It is due to the hard work and attention to detail that you deliver to us that we are able to continue to grow our business in the UK and therefore increase our work with yourselves. Datacorp is an integral part of our business and an extension of our team.

I have known Senthil a long time and had the pleasure of working with him at Count On Us, and know how much effort he and his team has put into building the business. As partners we have developed a very strong relationship; we rely heavily on the quality and value that Datacorp offers and consider the success of Datacorp as having been instrumental in helping us develop and grow over the past 10 years. I think your attitude to project management, quality, dedication, scale, and value puts you at the forefront of your industry. We look forward to many more years of joint growth.


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10 Golden years of DataCorp !!!

10 Golden years of DataCorp !!!

DataCorp Traffic is overjoyed to announce the completion of 10 years of successful business and we are now officially stepping into our second...